How we Work

Step One - Design

No matter if you have "zero idea" what is needed or would like a second set of eyes to review security and device plans, we will be ready to help.

Step Two - Planning

We will work with you or your contractor to ensure timelines are feasible, plansets will work and not hinder other trades' work, and that there are no last-minute developments or changes we were not aware of.

blue ballpoint pen on white notebook
blue ballpoint pen on white notebook
person working on blue and white paper on board
person working on blue and white paper on board
man in brown and white plaid dress shirt and yellow hard hat holding black and orange
man in brown and white plaid dress shirt and yellow hard hat holding black and orange
Step Three - Work In Progress.

Our experienced construction-based installation team will get to work.

Step Four - Milestones

Our project manager will update you throughout the installation process on how we are doing. They will try their best to forecast problems and bring them to your attention to ensure the installation runs smoothly.

Step Five - Sign-Off's

After the site clean-up, our project manager will take you around to showcase how the installation turned out. Feel free to point out any issues you see so we can fix them immediately.

green and white Mile 111 road marker
green and white Mile 111 road marker
man peeping through monocular
man peeping through monocular
brown wooden table with chairs
brown wooden table with chairs
Last Step - Training

Whether you have used security systems in the past or if this is your first time using them, our trainer will sit down one-on-one or in a classroom style to go over all the ins and outs of using the system. He will leave the service information with you, and if you forget anything, drop us a line, and we will be happy to help.