Key Fob Access Control

For several reasons, access control is crucial for schools, apartments, malls, and other public spaces. Firstly, it helps to ensure the safety and security of students, residents, and visitors by restricting unauthorized entry. This is especially important in schools and residential buildings, where the protection of individuals is a top priority. Access control systems can also prevent theft, vandalism, and other criminal activities by monitoring and controlling who has access to certain areas. In the case of malls and other commercial spaces, access control can also be used to manage and track employee and visitor movements, improving overall security and accountability. Furthermore, access control can help enforce social distancing measures and capacity limits, which are essential in crowded environments such as malls and other public spaces. Access control plays a vital role in maintaining safety and order in various public settings.

Another benefit of access control is the management of credentials. From auto start and stop dates to limiting one use per day, it's really easy to control guests around your property

With the hot and incoming wave of Bluetooth keys, we see more plans without the physical card. Simply hold your cellphone up to the reader, and it will use your unique ID provided by the administrator to grant you access.

But don't worry; the traditional fob on a keychain or in the wallet will still be around for years.

silver skeleton key on black surface
silver skeleton key on black surface